Friday, March 23, 2012

All-High School vs. All-College vs. All-International

The answer to this question has historically been an easy one, but we have finally reached the point where we have a real conversation. If you lined up 4 teams with the best NBA players at each position from (1) players who never went to college vs. (2) players who spent 1 year in college vs. (3) players who spent more than 1 year in college vs. (4) international players, who wins?

I had to shuffle around positions a bit, but my teams are below. 

All-High School Team
PG - Brandon Jennings
SG - Kobe Bryant
SF - Lebron James
PF - Amare Stoudemire
C - Dwight Howard

One and Done College Team
PG - Derrick Rose
SG - Kyrie Irving
SF - Kevin Durant
PF - Chris Bosh
C - Kevin Love

All Multi-Year College Team
PG - Chris Paul
SG -  Dwyane Wade
SF - Rudy Gay
PF - Blake Griffin
C - Lamarcus Aldridge

All International Team
PG - Steve Nash
SG -Manu Ginobili
SF -Dirk Nowitzki
PF - Pau Gasol
C - Marc Gasol

 5 years ago, I would not have wanted any piece of the international team, but today, it's a tougher conversation. I think Howard gives the HS guys a huge edge in any matchup...

1 comment:

  1. Gotto go with the high school team, but the one and dones will continually improve thanks to coach Cal.
