Monday, February 6, 2012

Adios Bruce Weber?

There has been quite a bit of talk amongst Illinois fans that Bruce Weber is most likely out at Illinois at the end of the season. The combination of lackluster attendance and several large donors holding back financial commitments has placed Weber squarely on the hot seat. Apparently, the 2013 and 2014 classes in Illinois are stacked with talent and the school wants to bring in a big-time name who can recruit.

I hate when donors are the ones dictating these types of decisions, but Weber hasn't exactly caught the world on fire since making the finals in 2005 (he won national coach of the year in '05). His first three years at Illinois were impressive (89-16, 39-9 in conference), but he hasn't won a Big 10 title or made it past the second round of the tournament since then.

Prediction: Shaka Smart is coaching Illinois this time next year.

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